We’re so excited that you’re checking out Rapture Harvest Missions International. We preach Jesus Christ; Him crucified for the our salvation from sin
1 Corinthians 1:23
Rapture Harvest Mission International is not an event or even a building. We’re a community of imperfect people, who have encountered the saving grace of Jesus. Together we seek to explore what it means to follow Jesus and help others do the same. We’re striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there’s relevant teaching, heartfelt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need.
Worship Gatherings
We gather to worship God at our church hall – Rapture Harvest Mission International Located at 33 W Water St Wakefield, MA 01880
Weekly Services
Sunday Worship Gatherings
11AM – 1PM
Our Sunday gatherings are an opportunity to celebrate what God is doing in our lives and world. We do this by worshiping through song, experiencing a message from a member of our pastoral staff/member of the clergy, and celebrating communion together once a month. Gathered as one, we are reminded of our unique design by our Creator, the needs of our church family, and our calling to serve our community. At our gatherings, people dress decently but at their own free choice. No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone is welcome to join us.
Sunday School Kids (Birth – 6th Grade)
Sunday School is a creative, age-appropriate ministry that includes music, activities and a lesson from the Bible. The Sunday School isn’t about information, it’s about transformation. We want to see children come to know Jesus and grow in their relationship with God..
11:00 am Service
During the 11am service, The Sunday School Children’s Ministry is available for all children birth – 13 years.
If you would like your children to take part in The Sunday School, please visit the Children’s Welcome wing as directed by the teacher in charge.
Teenagers (13 – 17 Years)
If you have students 13 years through high school, then bring them along to enjoy one of our services. We have also created an entire ministry dedicated to the needs of teenagers. This lively group of students meet independently as always arranged. Every Sunday is packed with fun, friendships and great discussions, in addition to our live worship band. Your students will meet students that genuinely love and care for each other. This is the place to share life, seek God and grow through the challenges students face.
Sunday Worship Gathering
Enter the Worship Center and find a chair. Our services starts exactly as scheduled, both services are basically the same and last about 2 hours.
Our worship band will lead us in focusing on Jesus through song. Feel free to sit, kneel, stand, clap, or lift your hands during the worship time, knowing that worship is about connecting with God, and not external appearances. We’ll put the words up on the screen so you can follow along.
The pastor will then open the Bible and teach from it. The messages are practical, creative, Biblical and usually are a part of a series of messages. committed to presenting God’s truth in compelling, creative, and challenging ways.
After the message we take time to respond to God’s message and what he is doing in our lives through song, prayer and benediction.
There will also be a time to worship though giving back to God in the form of offerings. By giving, we recognize His provision and participate in the ministry of the church.